"Everyone in the world is crazy, except you and I, and even you are a little suspect!"

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Caroline A. E. Cook

Wednesday, July 14, 2004  
My god it has been a exhausting few months... unlike any other i have known.

In the last month i have been to Melbourne, Canberra and the Blue Mountains, and this weekend i am back to Melbourne for a night. Wow... We still have half our stuff in boxes... i wonder if we will ever get the chance to unpack at this rate!

We are coming to the end of our Meagan hosting, and soon we will be in the house all alone... for the first time! Its a very exciting prospect. We will also be able to open Hotel Hopman Cook too... which will be fun! We cant wait for people to come up and stay and see our new abode.

We are still suffering from the idea of the world without Andy.. but as time passes, we are coming to terms.

We picked up our new dog trailer, well actually, it was delivered to our door!!! but we are just thrilled with it... thrilled we got it for free, thrilled that we got it through LOVELY people, and thrilled that trigger and his mum used to travel in it together! Such a nice idea!

We had a gorgeous time in Melbourne over Jessie birthday... I had to work at Monash IVF, but lee and the twins managed to get up to some mischief together while i was working, and when i wasn't, we all got to hang out together! What a treat! Highlight was the delicious meals we had with the family, and Jessie friends... the salmon Jessie cooked for us all! Yummo, our time in Geelong with mum and dad, our visit with Jaime in Eltham, and last but not least.... The delicious Bloody Mary Oyster shots at Torlano on Fitzroy St!

Our trip to Canberra was not nearly as cold as we expected it to be... Beautiful Canberra... so picturesque! On our way in to Canberra we stopped at Eddie's and made Club sandwiches for lunch! YUM!
We Had lee's Auntie Margot's 60th birthday at the Canberra Club on Saturday night. A real society do, with the people from the society pages of the paper there taking photos of all the sisters! Was really nice to meet all the members of Lee's family that i hadn't yet met... my god... there are quite a few!! All lovely, and all in all was a nice night of margaritas and dancing! We stayed the Night at Mysh's, and didn't get to bed until 4am!! hear that.... 4!!!! My god... that's pretty good for us old ducks!

This weekend is back to Melbourne for the Tintern 10 year reunion! *GULP*
I would not be going had Jamie not wanted me there for moral support, and lee not joined her team in the lets get sparky down there! We will have fun i am sure, but my god! i am finding the idea pretty stressful at the moment. It has been 11 years since i have seen any of these people, and am not really sure what to expect. I guess time will tell will it not?!?

I received a tape in the mail from Cris that was done my Stephen Blomfield. it must have been 1995-1997ish. Oh what joy! I am going to try and get it redone on CD, cause it is absolutely a snapshot of life back then. more than any other tape i have heard. I have it in the car, and my god it takes me back!

I have rounded up a few photos to stick on the blog. Some from my new phone. so excuse the quality!

Lee and I

Lucius lounging

the Rainbow on Monday

Lee and the boys getting up to Mischeif

My snoozing Triglet

10:45 am

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