"Everyone in the world is crazy, except you and I, and even you are a little suspect!"
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Jesus Christ!!! What is this world coming to.....
"This is very important internationally. People will say that its not George Bush that's the problem, its the American people that's the problem."
International antagonism to US foreign policy had, up until now, centered on the Bush Administration, while sentiment towards the American people was more benign. But Mr Bush's return will entrench world opinion against the US as whole.
On top of that we have John Laws showing what a bigot he is by crucifying Carson Cresley for being a "Poof" and a "Pansy". The sooner that "out of touch" old man drops off his perch the better, either that or someone silences him. The nice thought that helps me cope with Ignorant people like him is... Your voice will be stiffled in time, and we - the future, wont have to put up with archaic discriminatory opinions like his on our airwaves any longer!
I should definately cut this short today, because i am on the verge of a major rant and rave... How is it that the world is going backwards? How is it that all progress that we have made is being lost because of the Fear and the Fear mongering. too much time spent thinking about it is not a good idea!
11:46 am