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Caroline A. E. Cook

Monday, December 20, 2004  

Drumstruck......... If you get the chance... go! you wont regret it!

4:22 pm

I spent about an hour a week or so ago updating this blog in aide of making it less political, and far more festive... But things have been hectic, and when my machine had a narnie, and i lost all i had written, i just didn't have time nor patience to do it all again... so... a couple of weeks later i am back with a new resolve, and a festive spirit to fix this weblog up!!!

Things in sydney are good... the weather has hotted up... christmas is just around the corner...

we had a fabulous holiday on the murray with the Cook Fam... oh the joy!

our boat

It was a fantastic holiday, with daquari's starting just after lunch, and going on into the evening... lots of good company, books, sun... what more can a girl ask for!

Lee has been my lucky button of late... she won tickets through National Geographic to see Drumstruck... which was just so much fun!

will post a link to the sit... a south African performance where every seat has a drum! It was just unreal!

We also went and saw the Lion King with Lee's mum and dad for jen's birthday! It was just fabulous too... lots of fun over the last couple of months!

I have high hopes for the coming year... I am hoping (not expecting) my uni application will be accepted, and that there will be a change of job for me in the new year... i feel like i have had to fight for everythign i have got from this job, from knowledge to money... fight all the way... I have no doubt that that was part of vinces stratagy... to toughen me up... which has worked, and now i think its time to move on to bigger and better things... this job has been comfortable in that even with the fight, it has been safe... time for that to change, and i hope it will change in the first quarter!

Christmas this year for Lee and I will be in Canberra! Really looking forward to it... time off... great family and a fantastic Sri Lankan Xmas feast! The back to Sydney for NYE! which will not be anythign exciting... i can assure you!

I think i shoudl get this up before my computer has a nervy turn... but this wont be the last you hear from me.... I promise!

4:18 pm

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