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Caroline A. E. Cook

Friday, June 10, 2005  
Wow... i am a sad excuse for a blogger... have i said that before??

Its june! and i have finally finished my first semester of Uni!
Boy was that a hairy time!!

Agfa has been challenging.... to say the laest! I have been thrown into all sorts of shennanigans, and have even (to my dismay) been enroled in a charity fun run up the worst damn hill in Sydney!

With everything that has been going on i miss Lee.

Its the long weekend this weekend, and other than the odd exception... its going to be Lee and Sparks time.

Jason was ht by a 4WD on George Street yesterday... so there will be some jason time as well... he is currently in ST V's with a fractured skull and the rest... I think i am still a bit shocked about it all!

The world's axis has changed... i am convinced.....

I have to much to say and so many pictures to post... but i will wait till after the weekend... TGIF!!!

12:36 pm

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