"Everyone in the world is crazy, except you and I, and even you are a little suspect!"
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Well... My sisters have been taking the piss out of my blog so I thought I would see if there was anything I could do about it. Unlikely.. But maybe a new post will help.
8:54 pm
Friday, February 27, 2009
Today I found an email as i was cleaning out my inbox... and lo and behold look at what i find! An email telling me how to reclaim this blog! So here it is reclaimed! Seeing as so much has happened since my last blog, i wont try to catch up, but i will post a few stories that stand out from the last two years. I now work for iSOFT after a strange lapse in judgement.... Trigger died last week... an old man. He is missed. Lee is running her office... and running our house.... she will someday be running the world. ;) We have a new addition to our family in Boo.... nutcase extrodinaire.
4:34 pm
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
"When You Were Young" Killers
You sit there in your heartache Waiting on some beautiful boy to To save you from your old ways You play forgiveness, Watch it now Here he comes
He doesnt look a thing like Jesus But he talks like a gentleman Like you imagined, When you were young
Can we climb this mountainI dont know Higher now than ever before I know we can make it if we take it slow Let's take it easy, Easy now, Watch it go
We're burning down the highway skyline On the back of a hurricane that started turning when you were young When you were young
And sometimes you close your eyes And see the place where you used to live When you were young
They say the devil's water It ain't so sweet You dont have to drink right now But you can dip your feet, Every once in a little while
You sit there in your heartache Waiting on some beautiful boy to, To save you from your old ways You play forgiveness, Watch it now, Here he comes
He doesnt look a thing like Jesus But he talks like a gentleman Like you imagined When you were young (talks like a gentleman)(like you imagined) When you were young
I said he doesnt look a thing like Jesus He doesnt look a thing like Jesus But more than you'll ever know
3:48 pm

 Well, Its been about 2 years since i last blogged.
So much has changed, i dont know where to start... except that everything that has been blogged seems so irrelevent now.
I am going to try and start blogging again and make it more interesting, and a liottle less self indulgent.... thought there will always be a few me blogs...
Just got back from Munich.
3:33 pm
Ferry Corsten - Holding On - Munich The failing sky grows darker every day. And moonlight fading as you Walk away. And all the roads that lead me to your heart… …have gone astray
My hands are tied behind my back, and I’m weaked by, your slow attack, you take me in, than change your mind again.
Yous spinning wheel won’t lead me to your view, and all the words I need to hear from you, I’m holding on but guess I’m out of luck, …and still in love with you
My hands are tied behind my back, and I’m weaked by, your slow attack, you take me in, than change your mind again.
Hold my face, in your hands, look into my eyes So understand, all the toughts, inside your mind Tell me it’s time
My hands are tied behind my back, and I’m weaked by, your slow attack, you take me in, than change your mind again.
3:19 pm
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

 oohh.... i love this new blogger setup. A work friend is doing a coffee table book of dogs in sydney, so we took the boys for a photo session... there are some amazing photos...
8:41 pm
Friday, June 10, 2005
Wow... i am a sad excuse for a blogger... have i said that before??
Its june! and i have finally finished my first semester of Uni! Boy was that a hairy time!!
Agfa has been challenging.... to say the laest! I have been thrown into all sorts of shennanigans, and have even (to my dismay) been enroled in a charity fun run up the worst damn hill in Sydney!
With everything that has been going on i miss Lee.
Its the long weekend this weekend, and other than the odd exception... its going to be Lee and Sparks time.
Jason was ht by a 4WD on George Street yesterday... so there will be some jason time as well... he is currently in ST V's with a fractured skull and the rest... I think i am still a bit shocked about it all!
The world's axis has changed... i am convinced.....
I have to much to say and so many pictures to post... but i will wait till after the weekend... TGIF!!!
12:36 pm
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Mr Brightside Lyrics - The Killers: "I'm coming out of my cage
And I?ve been doing just fine
Gotta gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I?m falling asleep
And she?s calling a cab
While he?s having a smoke
And she?s taking a drag
Now they?re going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it?s all in my head
But she?s touching his?chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go
I just can?t look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it?s just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
?Cause I?m Mr Brightside
I?m coming out of my cage
And I?ve been doing just fine
Gotta gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I?m falling asleep
And she?s calling a cab
While he?s having a smoke
And she?s taking a drag
Now they?re going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it?s all in my head
But she?s touching his?chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go
I just can?t look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibi
But it?s just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
?Cause I?m Mr Brightside
I never...
I never...
I never..."
2:48 pm
Monday, February 07, 2005
Just thought i would let everyone know that i resigned from McCauley Software today.
I have been offered a fantastic position with AGFA in there medical software division as an Application Specialist looking after Aus, India, and SE Asia's Radiology Information Systems. I will be starting on the 7th March.
Stacks of travel, and a great career opportunity.
I also was accepted into CQU to start a masters in Health Informatics, and will be doing this part time on top of Agfa.
Its very exciting, but going to be very very busy for the next year.
I will be in touch with a new contact email in the week leading up to the change.
Sick with nerves... but excited!
11:25 am
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year..... talk about slow on the uptake! Its now Feb., and so much has happened... i will try and recap in short!
Christmas was fun... still got lots of photos to put up of the Canberra Christmas, and my day out with the Chadderton-cooks.
NYE was very quiet... very very... and we made the mistake of watching 'Monster', which had us as dark and jaded as possible by about .... ooooh..... 11.30!
Jan was nice... lots of warm weather and time in the garden. doesn't look a whole lot better, apart from the grass that lee is keen on vidulently mowing on a regular basis!
My birthday was fantastic. Lee, Jason, Rick and I went to Kingleys steak and Crab house on the finger wharf! Oh we had a ball! Beautiful food, great wine and the best company!
Hot lots of great Prezzies... some of which include jewellery, OX (My ugly doll), clothes, shoes, dvd's.... what a spoil!!!
On the 14th i got my acceptance letter to CQU (Central Queensland University) to do a Grad Cert in Health Informatics... and that's just the start of the big news for this year!
It appears... and i wont say too much because i will jinx myself... that i may well have a job offer coming my way... which is very exciting... it may involve lots of international travel, and training etc... right up my alley... but as i say... when i have written confirmation of this, i will write a bit more.
Lee is my bliss bomb! she has us both on a diet at the moment, and any one that knows me well knows i put on weight when the diet word is used... but i have been very good, and am now half way through day 2! LOL.... hard yakka! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
definitely not expecting any miracles, but lee is being very strict about it, so there isn't much room for movement... it just may work!
Work had been constant.... but i guess that's not the end of the world! other than that... life has been plugging along nicely!
It has definitely been an eventful year so far... and i get the feeling its going to get more so as time ticks on!
I had better sign off, but i will be back with some photos!
Love to all!
3:51 pm
Monday, December 20, 2004
Drumstruck......... If you get the chance... go! you wont regret it!
4:22 pm
I spent about an hour a week or so ago updating this blog in aide of making it less political, and far more festive... But things have been hectic, and when my machine had a narnie, and i lost all i had written, i just didn't have time nor patience to do it all again... so... a couple of weeks later i am back with a new resolve, and a festive spirit to fix this weblog up!!!
Things in sydney are good... the weather has hotted up... christmas is just around the corner...
we had a fabulous holiday on the murray with the Cook Fam... oh the joy!
our boat
It was a fantastic holiday, with daquari's starting just after lunch, and going on into the evening... lots of good company, books, sun... what more can a girl ask for!
Lee has been my lucky button of late... she won tickets through National Geographic to see Drumstruck... which was just so much fun!
will post a link to the sit... a south African performance where every seat has a drum! It was just unreal!
We also went and saw the Lion King with Lee's mum and dad for jen's birthday! It was just fabulous too... lots of fun over the last couple of months!
I have high hopes for the coming year... I am hoping (not expecting) my uni application will be accepted, and that there will be a change of job for me in the new year... i feel like i have had to fight for everythign i have got from this job, from knowledge to money... fight all the way... I have no doubt that that was part of vinces stratagy... to toughen me up... which has worked, and now i think its time to move on to bigger and better things... this job has been comfortable in that even with the fight, it has been safe... time for that to change, and i hope it will change in the first quarter!
Christmas this year for Lee and I will be in Canberra! Really looking forward to it... time off... great family and a fantastic Sri Lankan Xmas feast! The back to Sydney for NYE! which will not be anythign exciting... i can assure you!
I think i shoudl get this up before my computer has a nervy turn... but this wont be the last you hear from me.... I promise!
4:18 pm
Thursday, November 11, 2004
3:02 pm
2:39 pm
Sorry Everybody
1:54 pm
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | G2: Simon Schama on a newly divided America
11:12 am
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Jesus Christ!!! What is this world coming to.....
"This is very important internationally. People will say that its not George Bush that's the problem, its the American people that's the problem."
International antagonism to US foreign policy had, up until now, centered on the Bush Administration, while sentiment towards the American people was more benign. But Mr Bush's return will entrench world opinion against the US as whole.
On top of that we have John Laws showing what a bigot he is by crucifying Carson Cresley for being a "Poof" and a "Pansy". The sooner that "out of touch" old man drops off his perch the better, either that or someone silences him. The nice thought that helps me cope with Ignorant people like him is... Your voice will be stiffled in time, and we - the future, wont have to put up with archaic discriminatory opinions like his on our airwaves any longer!
I should definately cut this short today, because i am on the verge of a major rant and rave... How is it that the world is going backwards? How is it that all progress that we have made is being lost because of the Fear and the Fear mongering. too much time spent thinking about it is not a good idea!
11:46 am
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Haunting isn't it... Kind of mystical...
this hoto ws taken at Bronte Beach Last Saturday... Rick's Brithday Picnic!! It was such a nice day!
Things here are good, though it has been very hard to get out of bed this week... Gosh i am soooo tired all the time! Only two weeks till our Holiday... and then not much onger before xmas! WOOHOO!!
so i will have a week off, then a few on, then another week off! LOVE IT!!!
Lee is a bliss bomb as always... and everything is pluggin galong nicely!
The sun is finally out... and i am so glad its almost home time... Had enough of today! well the work part anyway! Only 30 mins to go!
4:17 pm
Monday, October 18, 2004
I wrote a massive blog last week... about the election etc... but just dont have the energy to do it again... all far too depressing... but will blog this, light in a dark tunnel??
4:30 pm
Quote of my day!!
If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
4:25 pm
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
October is here... its amazign how time flies... we are only 2 months away from the end of the year, and i am only 3 months away from 28! FAR OUT!
I havent blogged in so ling, so i will try and keep it short so i can get a bit in about all the things that have been going on!
we have been so slack with photos recently... so i will try and paint pictures for you!
I think that we should go back to the first weekend in September!
Mum and dad came to stay for the weekend... they both had a bit of work to do, but it was all over by friday lunchtime, so the weekend was ours! We had lots of good food. Bay tinh (viet) The curry leaf (SriLankan) and other delicious things along the way. We Saw lots of mum and dads friends like The Mackellars, The Philps, Sprog Ward. All in all it was a really nice weekend... Lots of running around though. Absolutely loved having mum and dad to stay!
The following tuesday was Lee's birthday! I made sure she had a good spoil. The day went like this... When we woke up i gave her a cup of tea, then ran out to ballons inflation to pick up her birthday boquet of ballons... a mis of Skull and Crossbones, and Kisses... all in red black and white! And a heap of spooky glitter... 3D spiders and cobwebs and the like... She got her pressies from me... Alias season 2 DVD boxset, and Alias for the PS2, some socks, undies and other little treats.. and then we went out to the cafe around the corner for breakfast. After that we went to Jurlique for her massage, and then on to the fish markets for a seafood platter for lunch! YUM. AFter lunch we headed off, smelling a bit fishy ot the hairderesser where we had her hair done, and then home for a relax... I also bought lee an Ipod mini, which took three weeks to arrive, and she now has it in her hot little hand! more to come n the Ipod. It was an unreal week... dinner with friends... lots of mnice new toys to play with...
That weekend we went to canberra for lee's family birthday celebrations... Jen made a beautiful birthdya dinner... CRAB CURRY!! YUM!!! along with Lee's favorite Sambal, and fav vegies etc! We had such a lovely time! saw the fam, and managed to convince Mysh and the boys to come and stay the following weekend!
And They Came..... Was so nice to have them there... the boys were fun, and was a good opportunity to spend some more time one on one with them... We went to Paddies, and went on walks... all in all a good time... i think by the end of it we were more tuckered out than they were! LOL
Friday i had a security trainign session at microsoft... amazing!! the people that were in the room were a mix of the top company internet security experts, a few from the dark side, and all sorts of debate about what is safe, and how to hack security systems! Absolutely blew my mind!!! following We had my 4th anniversay dinner for work at jan's and vinces... they put on delicious food, and lee and I were given a pedometer each to keep track of our excercise! seems we aren't quite making our daily quota... SUPRISE SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That then brings me to last weekend! The sleaze long weekend! Jen and Fiona came to stay with us for the weekend... We ate good food, enjoyed good company, waled, we went shopping, and drank and smoked at home on the couch! The weather has been so beautiful... we managed to pick up a bit of colour in the garden! So nice to have a long weekend too. Monday was hardcore lounging!
This weekend we have the weekend off from travel and visitors... at this stage anyway!
We are planning on doing some stuff on the house this weekend... maybe unpacking soem more of our things... getting things straightened out! it should be satisfying! i ope. The following weekend we were given a free night at the Crown Plaza Terrigal... a Ocean view room.. mmmmmmmmmm sounds pretty nice to me... will be nice to get out of Sydney, and not have a million things to do. relaxation here we come!
The following weekend something is planned... but my brain needs to be reindexed before i can work out what the!
In November we are going on the houseboat... which we are getting really excited about... we have big plans to stock up on Bloody mary mix, and red wine, and good books! Oh... it will be interesting! planning on getting myself a rubber tire so i can hang off the end of the boat, only puling myself in for a top up of my drink as mum has tried and tested!
Memo to self! Pick up a water toys for floating!!
Lee's Ipod arrived last week, and we are still working out Best Practices with it! but i spent lots of time on Monday night putting some music on it for lee... we are goign to get a radio transmitter so as we can play it on the house boat, and in our car! Technology huh?
Enough of a blab... you should all be pretty much up to date now!
will endeavour to be more timely with my blogs!
1:43 pm
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
The storm on Sunday!
4:04 pm
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
These girls are just beautiful!
11:57 am
Jackson and family take the tour bus to court - People - www.smh.com.au
10:28 am
Friday, August 13, 2004
My god, its Friday the 13th......
we are looking forward to a nice quiet weekend, i think Lee plans on setting up her Decks, and i might try and bring in some more stuff from the garage!
Things here are good, but i cant wait to get out of Winter... It is so dreary!!! We had the boys over for dinner last night which was nice...
Not much to report though i am afraid... will try and wrack my brain for something interesting!!
12:28 pm
Monday, August 09, 2004
What a weekend.... On Saturday Night we went to the SCG to watch the swans and the Roos play for a spot in the top eight! It was dismal... it looked like it was going to be the second time i had watched the roos loose to Sydney at the SCG. We had gone with members tickets, so i was risking life and limb by supporting the Roos from the members stand! I think all up there were maybe 3 North supporters in the section i was in, and not much more through out the whole SCG!!!! I was sitting amongst some pretty severe Swans supporters, and even worse, sandwiched between the two Sydney supporters i had gone with! I suffered taunts like "you just tell us when you want to go home sparks...", and "keep scoring those points, we love those points!" BUT I HUNG IN THERE!! it was looking grim, like we were almost 50 points down going into the last quarter.... BUT THEN.............. those Kwanaroos turned the game around, to the dismay of all those smug Sydney swans supporters, and to a almost constant Boo-ing, they made up the difference, and then scored the winning goal in the last 2 mins of the game!!! I cant tell you how impressed i was!!!! SUCKO Swans!!! Oh the Joy!
the group!
and the swan........
The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing... On Sunday morning, i made a Jamie Oliver Fry up for breakfast... Yum... we have pork snags, Bacon, Tomato, Field Mushies, and Eggs, all fried into a Frisbee, and then we had it on yummy toast out in the garden! Some friends of Lee's came for a visit after lunch, and we settled in to some good TV and one of Jenny's Curries for Dinner! Yum!
We were supposed to go out to a yummy lunch on Sat, but it all fell through in the end, maybe next weekend! Yum, a lunch at the pub in Watson's Bay would be nice!
I am in the office on my own for the next two weeks as vinchenzo is in NZ, so i am hoping to get the sites up to date with some free time!!
And here is my new favourite Photo of the triglet!
aint he just divine........?!? I know, i am MAD!
11:42 am
Friday, July 23, 2004
Tintern 10 year Reunion Photos
Bea, Jaime and Sparks!
This reunion was the biggest spin out! Barely anyone recognised me, and i guess thats no big suprise, but some of the people i was looking forward to seeing looked straight through me like i was a stranger! was really interesting though! And so good to see all of my closest friends from school!
Neevr been to a reunion... so it was amazing!
Cant wait till the end of the day!!! Its the weekend Yeah...........
10:43 am
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
My god it has been a exhausting few months... unlike any other i have known.
In the last month i have been to Melbourne, Canberra and the Blue Mountains, and this weekend i am back to Melbourne for a night. Wow... We still have half our stuff in boxes... i wonder if we will ever get the chance to unpack at this rate!
We are coming to the end of our Meagan hosting, and soon we will be in the house all alone... for the first time! Its a very exciting prospect. We will also be able to open Hotel Hopman Cook too... which will be fun! We cant wait for people to come up and stay and see our new abode.
We are still suffering from the idea of the world without Andy.. but as time passes, we are coming to terms.
We picked up our new dog trailer, well actually, it was delivered to our door!!! but we are just thrilled with it... thrilled we got it for free, thrilled that we got it through LOVELY people, and thrilled that trigger and his mum used to travel in it together! Such a nice idea!
We had a gorgeous time in Melbourne over Jessie birthday... I had to work at Monash IVF, but lee and the twins managed to get up to some mischief together while i was working, and when i wasn't, we all got to hang out together! What a treat! Highlight was the delicious meals we had with the family, and Jessie friends... the salmon Jessie cooked for us all! Yummo, our time in Geelong with mum and dad, our visit with Jaime in Eltham, and last but not least.... The delicious Bloody Mary Oyster shots at Torlano on Fitzroy St!
Our trip to Canberra was not nearly as cold as we expected it to be... Beautiful Canberra... so picturesque! On our way in to Canberra we stopped at Eddie's and made Club sandwiches for lunch! YUM!
We Had lee's Auntie Margot's 60th birthday at the Canberra Club on Saturday night. A real society do, with the people from the society pages of the paper there taking photos of all the sisters! Was really nice to meet all the members of Lee's family that i hadn't yet met... my god... there are quite a few!! All lovely, and all in all was a nice night of margaritas and dancing! We stayed the Night at Mysh's, and didn't get to bed until 4am!! hear that.... 4!!!! My god... that's pretty good for us old ducks!
This weekend is back to Melbourne for the Tintern 10 year reunion! *GULP*
I would not be going had Jamie not wanted me there for moral support, and lee not joined her team in the lets get sparky down there! We will have fun i am sure, but my god! i am finding the idea pretty stressful at the moment. It has been 11 years since i have seen any of these people, and am not really sure what to expect. I guess time will tell will it not?!?
I received a tape in the mail from Cris that was done my Stephen Blomfield. it must have been 1995-1997ish. Oh what joy! I am going to try and get it redone on CD, cause it is absolutely a snapshot of life back then. more than any other tape i have heard. I have it in the car, and my god it takes me back!
I have rounded up a few photos to stick on the blog. Some from my new phone. so excuse the quality!
Lee and I
Lucius lounging
the Rainbow on Monday
Lee and the boys getting up to Mischeif
My snoozing Triglet
10:45 am
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Love Inc. - You're a superstar Lyrics: "Reach for the sky and hold your head up high
For tonight and everynight, you're a superstar
And don't you be afraid
Think of all the friends you've made
Like any other night you've got your name in lights
You're a superstar"
4:19 pm
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
OK... time for an update.
I went to the second Interview.. and although they said they were very impressed at interview, i was a bit Chatty! LOLOLOL!!! well well... Fancy That! They decided to go with someone in-house... it came down to costs, and to skip the recruitment costs, and keep the salary down, they have hired internally! Good stuff... no complaints from me. Who wants to live in Marrickville, and work in Chatswood! Not me!
Andy passed away early this morning.... in true Andy style, he waited till 12, and then went when the going was good... as i said to Ali, 12 is when the party starts... God bless him in his travels. Absolutely devastated that the world has to go on without him, but so happy for him that he doesn't have to fight, and cope with the frustration of his state. I had lots of things i wanted to say, and many things i wanted to hear! I guess i will have to wait till i get to where he is!
i had feared this might happen, as i have to go to work in Melbourne for a few days. And am going to miss the funeral! : ( I will go to Temora though and see him soon!
I am going to hold back from having my rant and rave about good people going, and shit people staying, but i will say that the world will be one sorry place for the loss.
Otherwise, we leave for Melbourne tomorrow night, and will be back next Wednesday... I think some family time is just what the doctor ordered!
3:52 pm